Item |
Calculation |
Number of moves to move a tower one position | 29 - 1 = 511 moves |
Number of moves to move a tower three positions (back to original position) | 3 * (29 - 1) = 3 * 511 = 1533 moves |
Offset from one platform to the next | 1533 / 7 = 219 moves |
Intervals for all 7 platforms: 0, +219, +438, +657, etc. mod 511 | 0, 219, 438, 146, 365, 73, 292 |
Quint (smallest interval between consecutive tower completions from previous row) | 1533 moves / (7 platforms * 3 towers/platform) = 73
moves per tower |
Year (unadjusted for leap days) is 5 quints | 73 * 5 = 365 moves |
Year (after first adjustment where troll rests) | 365 * 1534 / 1533 = 365.2381 days (365 moves) |
Normal number of days between stone moves | 1533 + 1 = 1534 days |
Days between stone moves (after the last stone is moved off a platform) | 1534 - 219 = 1315 days |
Days to move all 8 stones over by one platform | 7 * 1534 + 1315 = 12053 days (33 years) |
Days to move all 8 stones back to original position (seven platforms) | 7 * 12053 = 84371 days (231 years) |
Year (after second adjustment) | 365 * (7 * 1534 + (1534 - 219)) / (7 * 1533 + 1314) = 365.2424
days or simply 12053/33 = 365 8/33
29 position inner loop alternating with 30 position outer loop (basic lunar period) | (29 + 30) / 2 = 29.5 moves per lunation |
Lunation length in days adjusted by leap year adjustments | 29.5 * (12053 / 33) / 365 = 29.51959 days per lunation |
Length of Troll Calendar Metonic Cycle | 73 moves/quint * 19 quints = 1387 moves |
Lunar moves in one Troll Calendar Metonic Cycle. | 30 * 24 + 29 * 23 = 1387 moves |
Days in lunar Metonic Cycle | 1387 * (12053 / 33) / 365 = 1387.9212 days |
Lunations in Troll Calendar Metonic Cycle | 47 lunations |
Days in Troll Calendar lunation before long term correction | 1387.9212 / (47) = 29.530239 days |
Lunar correction by 1/30 lunation once per complete circuit of stones | 1/30 lunation every 231 years |
Days in Troll Calendar lunation (after 231 year adjustment) | 29.530239 * (84371 + 29.530239/30) / (84371) = 29.530583 days |
![]() |
To the left is an illustration of the center of the device showing
the lunar circles. North is to the right in the illustration. The
tiles on the north platform are orthogonal to the platform.
Additionally, the intersection of the 29 position ring and 30
position ring is on the north side of the troll. The black circle is a reference circle. It is always moved along the 30 position ring. It is moved when all nine tiles are on the closest stack to the troll on the north platform when all 8 stones are also on that platform. The red circle moves one position clockwise each move. When it arrives at the intersection on the north end, if it had been on the 29 position ring it switches to the 30 position ring, except at the start of a new Metonic cycle. A Metonic cycle happens when the red marker is at the intersection when one of the towers is completed. The phase of the moon is indicated by the relative positions of the black and red markers. If they are on opposite sides of the troll, it is a full moon. If they are on the same side, it is a new moon. In this picture, the moon is waxing and nearly full. |